I like to use foresight, strategy, and design to make the world a better place.


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Strategy, design, & copywriting for Laura Fox, author

Working with Laura, I helped her to define an online presence and growth-strategy. Together, we clarified her brand identity and audience. I also wrote the majority of the copy for her website.

Retreat design & facilitation, Wheatland Mission Church

Leading a team to design and organize a 24-hour retreat for around 70 people, I took the planning team through a creative ideation process to define the theme and goals of the retreat. The retreat was a combination of social activities, focused small group discussions, interactive stations, and six five-minute talks. All of these activities were designed around the theme and mission.


Visual identity, Wheatland Mission Church

I created a mark and visual identity for the church, who wanted to portray itself as being friendly and welcoming, but connected to liturgical history.


Foresight, Kimberly Clark (with University of Houston)

With a team from the University of Houston, we researched the future of parenting technology for Kimberly Clark. The result was ten ideas about the future, and how each of those ideas would change over the next ten years. Along with the strategic foresight research, I also designed ten posters summarizing our findings.


Software requirements gathering & design, Textron Aviation

As part of a multi-functional team, I helped lead workshops to replace mainframe software and old processes. Synthesizing the requirements from different areas of the business, we created an efficient tool. Each dot represents a different system we integrated into one solution.

Want to learn more about me?

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I’d love to work with you.